Communication Strategies for Building a Peaceful Society

"Cartagena, Colombia" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by mazzerc (
Platforma Sur Fastenaktion

Communication is undoubtedly a key element in promoting peace. In Colombia, many organizations are using communication strategies to bring about change in a country still seeking solutions to armed conflict and violence.

In Colombia, many civil society organizations use various communication channels to inform, educate, and give people a chance to express themselves. They use videos, posters, flyers, brochures, booklets, or photos to provide current information and address topics that the official media do not report on. The goal is to empower the population to be conversational partners and thus actors of change and peace.

In the department of Huila, Plataforma Sur – a partner organization of Fastenaktion – implements various communication strategies. Through its work, the organization contributes to building an inclusive, productive, critical, democratic, and peaceful society. During the campaign for the October 2023 elections, Plataforma Sur organized open forums that addressed the political transition to global peace in Colombia. These forums, attended by political authorities and civil society, offered candidates the opportunity to present their election programs and allowed the population to address issues or make demands, such as regarding waste and insecurity in various neighborhoods, poor water quality, or the need for inputs for productive projects. These discussions were broadcasted live on social networks, enabling the population not present during the forums to hear the authorities’ propositions and civil society’s demands. In this way, Plataforma Sur encouraged citizens to make informed choices when voting.

Plataforma Sur uses social media such as Facebook to spread examples of coexistence, joint initiatives, and useful information for the rural population of the region. It reaches many people, even in rural areas. For example, the Huila Agriculture and Environment Network, with 1153 followers, is a process promoted by Plataforma Sur that brings together almost 30 organizations. Through this network, Plataforma Sur shares information and courses, or announces events.

Communication is also key in training sessions, workshops, and activities, and Plataforma Sur achieves the necessary empathy to create an atmosphere of co-creation with the population. Plataforma Sur is aware of the necessity of public communication, being present in the media, and disseminating information to change behavior patterns, break violence, and promote peace. In its videos, press releases, and publications, it highlights the importance of building a society that includes the indigenous, Afro-descendant, rural, and urban population, integrates former fighters, and promotes respect for diversity; a society that considers intergenerational needs of the population and those of the most disadvantaged.
