Young People Shaping Their Peace in Colombia – A Grassroot Campaign

Young people working on the cammpaign “Mi vida, mi Momento !Decido desde MI Vivencia, NO por Influencia!" in Colombia. terre des hommes schweiz
terre des hommes schweiz
"Mi vida, mi Momento" campaing on Instagram terre des hommes schweiz

Colombia is a country marked by economic and social inequalities where the population has endured an internal armed conflict for more than 70 years. Today, through their creativity, initiatives, and experiences, young people show their active commitment to peacebuilding in the country. An example is the campaign: “My Life, my Moment I decide from MY Experience, NOT by Influence!”. 

Launched in October 2022, this campaign is supported by the alliance terre des hommes schweiz and terre des hommes suisse. It aims to combat violations of children, adolescents, and young people’s rights, addressing critical issues such as forced disappearance, direct violence against children, forced recruitment by armed groups, pornography, and further abuse.

From its inception to its implementation, young people have been at the heart of the campaign’s process design, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are addressed. This active participation empowers the youth and enhances the sustainability of peacebuilding efforts.

The campaign was inspired by field visits to the Cauca and Valle regions of Colombia, where rampant violations of young people’s rights were observed. These visits underscored the urgent need for a campaign protecting and promoting young people’s rights, promting a Colombian partner organization to organize a committee to address these issues.

A youth representative from each organization helped form the campaign committee, develop a working agenda, discuss expectations, and identify the campaign’s needs.

One of the committee’s first actions was to design and distribute a survey among the partner organizations. The survey gathered comprehensive information from the youth about the various challenges they face, including the tactics and language used by perpetrators such as armed groups attempting to recruit or exploit them. This data was crucial in tailoring the campaign to address the specific issues experienced by the youth.

The committee was then able to formulate the campaign’s messaging and strategies. By understanding the language and methods used by perpetrators, the campaign could effectively counteract their negative influence and empower young people to resist recruitment and exploitation. The youth’s active involvement in this process ensured that the campaign resonated deeply with its target audience.

With this alliance terre des hommes schweiz and terre des hommes suisse have set a notable example of how to build sustainable and impactful peacebuilding, by harnessing the energy and knowledge of young people. The campaign demonstrates that their involvement, when they are given the tools and opportunities to lead, can drive meaningful change and build a more just, equitable and peaceful society.
