The KOFF Peacebuilding Magazine
N° 185 – June 2024

Why Young People matter

“We Need to be Alive to Do this Work”

“We Need to be Alive to Do this Work”

For a Generation Capable of Generating Solutions for Peace

For a Generation Capable of Generating Solutions for Peace

Meaningful Youth Participation – A Unicorn of the UN Policy Level?

Meaningful Youth Participation – A Unicorn of the UN Policy Level?

Odara Brazil – Tackling Youth and Racial Discrimination

Odara Brazil – Tackling Youth and Racial Discrimination

In the realms of peacebuilding, humanitarian aid, and development cooperation, young people have traditionally been seen either as victims or perpetrators of conflict or merely as project targets and beneficiaries. However, the narrative around youth in conflict-affected settings has evolved, leading to the establishment of the Youth, Peace, and Security Agenda, or YPS-Agenda (UNSCR 2250, 2015). It is the first agenda of the United Nations to recognize youth as vital agents for sustainable peace. But what does this look like in reality? How are young people actually engaging civically for peace and being involved in decision-making processes at local, national, regional, and international levels? What is the added value of such an engagement?

In this new edition of à propos, KOFF members delve into the critical importance of fostering peace through the active involvement of young people. They highlight the transformative potential of youth-led initiatives and the necessity of integrating young voices into peacebuilding efforts. By exploring practical strategies and sharing success stories and challenges, this edition aims to provide valuable insights into how to effectively contribute to youth engagement in line with the YPS Agenda and beyond.

I wish you a pleasant read.

Sanjally Jobarteh, editor of KOFF magazine

By publishing the à propos magazine, the Swiss platform for peacebuilding KOFF creates a medium for its members and partners to communicate about their experiences and perspectives. The articles of this magazine reflect the views of the authors only and not those of KOFF or swisspeace.



kHaus, Kasernenhof 8, 4058 Basel
+41 61 551 56 56
Sanjally Jobarteh, Dorothea Schiewer
Übersetzergruppe Zürich, Furrer Übersetzungen
KOFF is a dialogue and exchange platform facilitated by swisspeace. It is jointly supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the members of the KOFF Platform. Four times a year, the KOFF Platform members inform you about their projects and share their views on current peacebuilding issues in the à propos magazine. The following Swiss organizations are members of the platform: