The KOFF Peacebuilding Magazine
N°186 – September 2024

Culture – What Potential for Peace?

Culture Creates Space for Dialogue – a Foundation for Sustainable Peace

Culture Creates Space for Dialogue – a Foundation for Sustainable Peace

Culture of Peace – Unleashing Our Peace Potential

Culture of Peace – Unleashing Our Peace Potential

Myanmar – Culture for Peace

Myanmar – Culture for Peace

The role of cultural activities in fostering peace and social cohesion has been approached as a subtopic in several past editions of à propos. However, in this September 2024 issue, we delve deeper into our contributors’ various interpretations of culture and explore how they harness its potential for peacebuilding.
UNESCO describes culture as encompassing the spiritual, material, intellectual, and emotional characteristics that define a society, including its arts, lifestyle, human rights, value systems, traditions, and beliefs. While culture can contribute to understanding and unity, it can also become a source of tension, especially when its expressions are not tolerated, accepted, or instrumentalized to justify politically motivated violence.
Despite its ambivalent nature, this edition emphasizes the positive impacts of culture. Accordingly, it explores both the theories and practical strategies for effectively leveraging the potential of culture. From the necessity of cultivating a culture of peace to the involvement of diverse art forms, cultural exchanges, and culinary traditions, it shows that culture can provide a solid ground for dialogue and mutual understanding—key ingredients for achieving and nurturing peaceful coexistence.

I wish you a pleasant read.

Sanjally Jobarteh, editor of KOFF magazine

By publishing the à propos magazine, the Swiss platform for peacebuilding KOFF creates a medium for its members and partners to communicate about their experiences and perspectives. The articles of this magazine reflect the views of the authors only and not those of KOFF or swisspeace.



kHaus, Kasernenhof 8, 4058 Basel
+41 61 551 56 56
Sanjally Jobarteh, Dorothea Schiewer
Übersetzergruppe Zürich, Furrer Übersetzungen
KOFF is a dialogue and exchange platform facilitated by swisspeace. It is jointly supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the members of the KOFF Platform. Four times a year, the KOFF Platform members inform you about their projects and share their views on current peacebuilding issues in the à propos magazine. The following Swiss organizations are members of the platform: