
cfd, PWAG, swisspeace, KOFF |  KOFF, Publications

Policy Brief: Centering Care in Women, Peace and Security

This Policy Brief summarizes the reflections and recommendations of Swiss civil society and its partners on the question of how socio-economic barriers, and the conditions under which care work in particular is performed, hinder women’s participation in political and peace processes in Switzerland and abroad. It sheds light on three care-related obstacles to women’s participation: the underfunded care economy, the overburdening of women through care work and gender roles that promote stereotypes that “naturalize” and devalue the provision of care and hence minimize women’s predisposition to feel confident enough to participate in political processes.

Read the Policy Brief (en)

KOFF, Publications, à propos

à propos magazine - Central America: Tackling Growing Hurdles to Peace

Humanitarian, development, peace, and human rights organizations provide crucial support to local civil society organizations and the general population in Central America. However, KOFF organizations report in this issue of à propos that the growing levels of authoritarianism and corruption in the region, particularly in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala, are compromising their work.

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PWAG |  Events, Publications

“From transition to transformation”: How can women's participation in peace processes be strengthened?

On the 30 of March, PWAG will launch the publication "From transition to transformation. Strengthening women's effective participation in peacebuilding and transitional justice processes". At the virtual event, the authors will present the most important findings from the publication.

30 March 2022, 2pm

More information & registration

à propos

à propos magazine - Emotions, Peace & Conflict

What kind of emotions do people affected by violence and conflict, including peacemakers, face? What impact do they have on their lives? Their work? And, on a larger scale, on peace processes? This edition of à propos highlights the role of emotions in grassroots and high-level political peace work.

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PeaceWomen Across the Globe |  Publications

From Transition to Transformation

What role can civil society organisations play in strengthening women's participation in peace processes? How can women's demands be put on the political agenda? These and other questions are addressed in our new publication "From transition to transformation. Strengthening women's effective participation in peacebuilding and transitional justice processes: insights from Colombia, Nepal, and the Philippines". It offers practical recommendations for effective women's participation in peacebuilding and shows how fundamental networks are for activists and conflict-affected women – even beyond their own country's borders.

Read the publication

cfd, PBI, Helvetas, HEKS, swisspeace, KOFF |  KOFF, Roundtables, Publications

KOFF Roundtable "Against all odds: Making space for peacebuilding"

Over the past years, KOFF members have experienced and examined what it means when the space for civil society shrinks. At the same time, many organizations and individuals around the world have adapted old and developed new strategies and approaches to continue their work for peace, against all odds. The upcoming roundtable will highlight the creative, persistent, and innovative ways in which civil society «makes space» for peacebuilding.

December 1, 9:30am

read the synthesis

KOFF, Publications, à propos

à propos magazine - Lessons Learned in Peacebuilding

What can we learn from previous peacebuilding projects to make our work more effective in the future? Are we devoting enough (safe) space and time for self-reflection within the peacebuilding sector? Are we creating opportunities for sharing experiences and recommendations with our peacebuilding peers?

Read more in our November edition!

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cfd - The feminist Peace Organization, PeaceWomen Across the Globe (PWAG), swisspeace  |  KOFF, Publications, Women Peace & Security

NO CARE, NO PEACE! Contributions from civil society on Switzerland’s implementation of the UN Women, Peace and Security Agenda

The care economy - which predominantly relies on women's work - is in a constant state of crisis. This is a barrier to political participation for anyone active in this economy. This booklet explains how socio-economic barriers, and care-work in particular, hinder women's participation in political and peace processes and offers recommendations on how Swiss policy can address this problem and thus increase the potential of its Women Peace and Security agenda.

Read the booklet (en, de, fr) and register for the Virtual Conference “Centering Care in Women, Peace and Security” ( 21 September 2021, 1.45pm-4.45pm).

KOFF, à propos

à propos magazine - Switzerland's Commitments to Peace and Security

What efforts are Swiss peacebuilding organizations making to promote peace and security in Switzerland and abroad?

Read this issue to learn more about current initiatives, as well as the remaining challenges and opportunities.

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Helvetas, Fondation Hirondelle, InsightShare, swisspeace |  KOFF, Events, Roundtables, Publications

KOFF Roundtable "Overcoming Mis/Disinformation"

What are the biggest hurdles we currently face regarding mis/disinformation? What impact can digital technologies make in promoting peacemaking and preventing conflict?

In the third KOFF roundtable of 2021, panelists from four areas of peacebuilding discussed the challenges of mis/disinformation and ways forward - the discussion is reflected and summarized in this synthesis.

read the synthesis