Stiftung für integrale Friedensförderung publishes “Führung durch die Seele – Zum Frieden finden in sich selbst”

Jürg Theiler "Der Weg des Wissens. Auf der Suche nach der Seel"e. Edition Spuren, Winterthur 2023.
Stiftung für integrale Friedensförderung
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The Stiftung für integrale Friedensförderung publishes the third volume in the series Führung durch die Seele or “guidance through the soul”, edited by Dr. Jürg Theiler at the publishing house Spuren. It translates eight mythological narratives from their particular form into their universal content. They represent the path of cognition: Gilgamesh – who sees into the depths. Parsifal – who crosses the abyss. Lohengrin – who calls for trust in the soul. Amor and Psyche – who find their way to wholeness. The Divine Comedy by Dante – who walks the path to the goal. Leah, Rachel, Jacob and Joseph – the developmental path of the psyche. Utopia by Thomas More – the politics of the soul. The veiled picture to Sais of Friedrich Schiller – the secret of life. The ultimate goal of the path is peace.
