The KOFF platform

Founded in 2001, KOFF is a well-established platform for exchange, dialogue and network composed of around 40 civil society organizations and two state organizations engaged in the fields of peace, human rights and development cooperation. It constitutes a network facilitated by swisspeace and is jointly supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and its member organizations.

KOFF’s mission is to ensure that Swiss peacebuilding is strengthened, relevant, and visible. To do so, KOFF facilitates dialogue and learning processes in Switzerland and abroad and fosters information sharing with a view to develop strategic alternatives, policy recommendations and joint initiatives for peace with its member organizations.

The platform forms a bridge between state and non-state actors, strengthens common approaches to specific challenges, with not only Swiss but also with local actors, looks at peacebuilding in its entire spectrum, from fragility to peace and shapes the discourse on peacebuilding in Switzerland.

Download our flyer.

The following illustration shows the structure of the KOFF platform:

Strategy 2021-2024

KOFF launches its new strategy for the period 2021-24. The members set three strategic accents, which show the development potential of the platform and its impact logic. (1) Strengthened internal networking promotes synergies to form the basis of the platform as an effective and inclusive peacebuilding practice. (2) The results of the joint learning processes provide for critical and constructive contributions to policy dialogue. (3) This increases the political relevance of civil peace policy and peacebuilding.

Download (German or French)

Annual reports

The year 2023 was marked by new crises and numerous ongoing conflicts, which confronted civil society organizations with major challenges.

Read the annual report (de, fr, en).