
KOFF takes up relevant topics from projects and member organizations. These are then processed within the framework of various formats:

Our "joint learning processes" are for example an innovative approach to deal with common challenges in fragile and conflict affected contexts. They make use of the diverse perspectives, experiences and synergies among KOFF member organizations and their partners in the field.

Another example is the "KOFF Intervision Group", an expert group gathering around 20 KOFF state and non-state members working in peacebuilding. Its aim is to build a community of practice where experts can share information and experiences on peacebuilding topics. 

KOFF has been intensively working on the following topics:

Women, Peace and Security

The adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) on Women, Peace and Security in 2000 marked the first time women and gender were officially linked to the peace and security agenda.

The Working Group “Women Peace and Security” coordinates the civil society contribution to the implementation of the fourth Swiss National Action Plan 1325. The main objectives are to strengthen a gender-sensitive peace policy in both Swiss domestic and international politics and to raise public awareness around the UN resolution 1325.

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Peace-Migration Nexus

People have always migrated. However, in the past two decades the volume of forced migrants, the variety of drivers and the range of destinations have expanded. Unequal access to wealth and opportunities, environmental degradation, persecution, violations of human rights, state fragility, armed conflict and generalized violence are some of the factors that push people to leave their homes. As the numbers of displaced people rise, perceptions of (forced) migration as a threat to societal and state security dominate the public and political discourse in many regions of the world, in particular in the Global North. However, securitized policies tend to create a narrow perspective on a highly complex phenomenon. Consequently, there is a demand for new perspectives. In this context, scholars, practitioners and policy makers have considered the nexus between migration and development and, to a lesser extent, the interrelationships between peacebuilding and migration. By exploring the peace-migration nexus, KOFF aims to contribute to a better understanding of the potentials and limitations of migration for peacebuilding and to promote a conflict-sensitive discourse on migration.

Recognizing the need for a better understanding of the peace-migration nexus, the Section Migration Foreign Policy of the Swiss Human Security Division mandated KOFF, swisspeace, to conduct a desk study on the migration-peace nexus (2018) and currently supports the KOFF Joint Learning Process on Peacebuilding & Migration (2019/2020).

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Human Rights and Civil Society Space

Political, legal, economic and social developments in Honduras are making the work of civil society organizations increasingly difficult. On the initiative of Peace Watch Switzerland (PWS) and HEKS/EPER and with support from five further Swiss NGOs and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), KOFF launched a joint learning process in Honduras. Its aim is to prepare a participatory and differentiated analysis of Honduran civil society and its space for action and to develop common strategies for preserving and expanding this space. In light of these challenges, processes like these, which go beyond program work and promote innovative approaches and synergies, are very important.

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Arts and Peace

Art initiatives in fragile and conflict-affected contexts receive growing attention. A broad spectrum of strategies has evolved, integrating perspectives, concepts and skills from different fields such as artistic production, international cooperation, cultural management and humanitarian work. Both during latent or violent conflict, as well as in post-conflict situations, individual artists, civil society activists and grassroots movements, international NGOs and governmental actors have gained experience with good practices and unsuccessful approaches. KOFF discusses and critically reflect on the potentials and challenges of art initiatives in fragile and conflict-affected regions.

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