
KOFF |  Roundtables, Publications, Critical Reflections

KOFF Roundtable Synthesis: Conflict Sensitivity & Climate Change

In June, our KOFF Roundtable on Conflict Sensitivity & Climate Change took place in Bern, looking at challenges associated with climate-related programming in fragile and conflict-affected settings. We are delighted to share the synthesis of this Roundtable with you. It summarizes the key points from the event and highlights relevant recommendations for practitioners working on climate-related programming.

Read the Synthesis

KOFF |  KOFF, Publications, à propos

à propos magazine : Why Young People Matter

The June edition of à propos is available! Dive into the important role of youth engagement in peacebuilding. Our contributors highlight the transformative potential of youth-led initiatives and the pressing need to include their voices in peacebuilding efforts. Read their reflections on practical engagement strategies aligned with the principles of the United Nations Agenda for Youth, Peace, and Security.

en | de | fr | take a look at all à propos

swisspeace, KOFF |  KOFF, Publications

From Policy to Practice - Meaningful Youth Participation in Peacebuilding

This Essential puts a focus on the implementation of the participation pillar of the UN Security Council resolution 2250, the UN Youth, Peace and Security Agenda (YPS), asking how international NGOs can contribute to the implementation of this pillar through their peacebuilding activities. It is a practical guide to help organizations facilitate and improve youth participation in peacebuilding practice.

Read the Essential

Frieda - the feminist peace organisation (formerly cfd), PeaceWomen Across the Globe, and swisspeace/KOFF  | 

For a secure, equal Switzerland and world for all: recommendations for the 5th Swiss NAP 1325

The Alliance for Women, Peace and Security, is launching the report "UN Resolution 1325: Women, Peace, Security: Civil Society Priorities for the 5th Swiss National Action Plan". It presents civil society’s recommendations for the 5th NAP 1325 and aims to promote a feminist understanding of security in politics and society. It also calls for combating the structural causes of crises, conflicts and unsafe societies, preventing violence against women, girls and queer people and strengthening their participation in peace policy and security-related issues. Join us for the launch event on June 10, 2024, 4-5.15pm, online!

Read the report in en / de / fr & register for the launch event

Helvetas |  KOFF, Events

Lunchtalk & Masterclass on mobilising for non-violent social action and conflict resolution

Wednesday, 29 May 2024 | 12h - 16h | Helvetas, Weinbergstrasse 22a, Zurich

Helvetas, in co-operation with the Centre for Socio-Cultural lnteraction, is inviting you to a lunchtime talk and masterclass on mobilizing for non-violent social action with the Niwano Peace Prize winner Rajagopal P.V.


terre des hommes schweiz, ODARA |  KOFF, Events

Roundtable "Who will count the bodies?"

22 April 2024 | 3-5pm (CEST) | kHaus, Basel & Online

The team of Odara is a true example of black women power and advocacy to fight discrimination and racism. Join the tdh Roundtable when the visiting activists present their work and speak about police violence in Bahia, Brazil, involving children and adolescents. The speakers will discuss reparations for relatives of victims of police violence, focusing on the question: What can we do to support the advocacy on international level?

Register here by 18 April 2024

PBI Schwitzerland |  Jobs

PBI is hiring: Coordination & Communications Expert

PBI is committed to the protection of human rights and non-violent conflict resolution in crisis regions. International teams accompany activists for peace, democracy and justice and monitor the human rights situation in different contexts. Now, the organization is hiring a Coordination & Communication Expert for its office in Bern. Responsibilities include the coordination of the office in Bern, annual planning and budgeting, implementation of the strategy, and organizing tours, school workshops and events.

More information & application

KOFF |  KOFF, Publications, à propos

à propos magazine : Communication – Force for Peace or Fuel for Conflicts?

The March edition of à propos is now available! This issue explores the multifaceted world of communication in peacebuilding. By sharing their positive experiences, challenges encountered, and strategies, members of KOFF and their partners share valuable insights into the nuances of what, when, and for what purpose to communicate in the pursuit of peace and conflict prevention.

en | de | fr | take a look at all à propos

swisspeace | 

Facilitation Skills Training

swisspeace is offering a Facilitation Skills Training in June 2024. It gives you the chance to expand your facilitation skills and to make exchanges more engaging, inclusive, and efficient. The roles and challenges of a facilitator and the practice of creative methodologies and tools that can be applied in various situations will be discussed.

A main focus will lie on practical examples of facilitation in conflict-affected contexts. Participants will learn how to adapt facilitation techniques to challenging circumstances.

More information & application

HEKS |  KOFF, Events, Movie Screenings

HEKS-Film Screening: Die Anhörung

Tuesday, 12 March 2024 | 2:00pm | Kult.Kino Atelier in Basel

Our member organization HEKS is screening the film "Die Anhörung" with a film discussion next week. In the film, asylum seekers relive their hearing on their reasons for fleeing, shedding light on the core of the asylum procedure. The film gives insights into the delicate interview situation for the first time and also questions the asylum procedure itself.

More information & registration